Sunday, October 26

Oh to be young again! :)

Today while at church I was approached by an older gentleman whom I had spoken with Friday night at the Jr. High youth get together we have at our church. First thing out of his mouth was

"I wanted to apologize because the other night when I saw you I was like what the heck is a high school girl doing at the Jr. High event."

I was so taken aback but at the same time so thankful. I in return said "NO, thank you so much you've just made my day, I'm 26, I've been married 6 yrs and I have 3 children, So thanks for thinking I was in High School. "

I could maybe pass for senior high or just in college but either way it was pretty awesome. I know it was not a compliment but I thought it was great.

So, in other news we now have 1 cat 2 kittens, 1 mama guinea pig, 3 baby guinea pigs, and 2 blind mice. ahhaha I don't know if both are blind but I've been told one is. We are safe haven for friendly clean critters. :) Brian did mention something about an iguana.....I had to put my foot down we just don't have the room yet :) ahahh ok not all but maybe someday. The girls have all been really good with the animals, Amelya still would like to throw them or squeeze way to hard but she is also allowed to play with them.


Jennie said...

A couple weeks ago, some older ladies walked past Hailey and I at the mall and they sneered and said, "Pah...she's probably 15!" I wanted to turn around and say thanks, but I am out of school!

We're coming trick or treating! Wherever you want to go though..Concord or SA. We're not picky, just hungry for candy!